by Shirley Simpson

When my family moved to Trimdon Grange in 1968, we were aware of the close community spirit.

The coal mine had closed down and Trimdon Grange had been classed as category D, which meant there would be no more development, just to be left as it is.

Local people felt the village was worth fighting for, and with the aid of grants they renovated their homes with bathrooms, and inside toilets. As the village improved it was taken out of category D. The Councillor Mr. R. Ellis put a lot of support to the village.


The Council invested money into the environment of Trimdon Grange. The large pit heap which overshadowed the village was removed and landscaped now we see Cows, Sheep and Horses grazing there.

The old shops were pulled down, new shops and houses were built, trees and shrubs were planted , and new people moved into the village.

We have never regretted moving to Trimdon Grange.